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International competitions

European Rover Challenge

European Rover Challenge is an international space robotics competition. Each competing team must design and develop the structure and systems of a rover, program the software – from the management of engines and sensors to the creation of the path planning and computer vision algorithm – carry out performance tests, analyze the necessary budget and explore new technologies and strategies to improve. During the finals, the teams show off the rover's capabilities on terrain similar to that of Mars.    

The Polimi Team

[R]overTech is a team of 65 students from the programme in Space, Aerospace, Mechanical, Computer Science, Automation and Materials Engineering, with Prof. Mauro Massari as the project contact person. The working group is divided into four departments: Structures, Software, EEPS and Science. Born in 2023, it participates in the European Rover Challenge for the first time in 2024.



The team organizes recruiting twice a year: in September/October and in March.