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Special projects

Global E3  

The international network to train graduates in technical-scientific subjects with international experience

GlobalE3 or Global Engineering Education Exchange (E3) was born in 1995 from the idea of ​​a group of prestigious universities all around the world which, recognizing the growing demand on the part of the global market for graduates in technical-scientific subjects with international experience, created a network to promote international student mobility. The Global E3 consortium is made up of more than 70 universities in 20 different countries, and is managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York. This network includes 37 universities in the United States and 39 universities in the rest of the world, including the Politecnico di Milano.

Exchange programme and financial support

If you are  can apply for the exchange program to spend one or two semesters of a study period abroad in a university of the Network specially within the United States of America. The credits of the exams taken at the partner university are recognized upon return from experience and replace a part of the curriculum of studies at the Polytechnic. You will continue to pay taxes only at the Politecnico and will also ecieve a contribution for the period abroad.


The call for international mobility within GlobalE3 Programme is closed.

download the call 

Selection Results

download the ranking