Subject: Social Innovation (Aging society; home automation)
Using ICT as support for health and social services is a strategic decision that Italian health and social services are making more and more often. Systems for supporting clinical-healthcare services in hospitals and tools for sharing health information (between physicians, hospital consultants and citizens) in particular are being introduced with increased frequency. Systems supporting testing and research projects are also being introduced and the aim is, among other things, to connect rehabilitation facilities and long-stay hospital units or citizens directly in their homes.
The ATTIV@BILI project plans to implement a true innovation scenario with smart cities and communities, creating and testing organisational and ICT support models and tools. These models and tools should translate (into digital processes) the management of the entire cycle of care of a vulnerable (elderly and/or disabled) person who, over time, needs assistance, social and healthcare services and, in general, support services at home and in facilities that provide different levels of assistance.
With regard to ICT, it will be necessary to prepare scenarios for the integration with new support systems of existing ICT tools in healthcare facilities, social and health facilities, social and assistance facilities and in the region. The new systems must be introduced from scratch at home and/or in facilities providing residential and semi-residential care services.
The project plans to study and to create a new model of distributed service platform, inspired by the hybrid cloud paradigm (made up of public cloud service and private infrastructure). This will provide safe access to PA data and will allow the creation of new applications for PA operators and the bodies that collaborate with them (such as trusts, out-patient centres, doctor's surgeries, voluntary associations, etc.) and interact with them (individual citizens, businesses, freelancers, etc.).
The project intends to define the work flow, the assessment parameters and the guidelines to elaborate assistance plans for elderly and disabled people, starting from the analysis of the services and technological infrastructure of ATS (Agencies of Health Protection) and Municipalities in the area of Cremona, Mantova and south of Brescia.