Subject: Law
The PCT (Civil Telematic Procedure) system is one of the world's most advanced solutions in the field of Law. To date, it has allowed to save considerable resources as well as making judiciary action more effective. The PCT, in addition to improving the exchange of information flows between solicitors and courts, has allowed to collect an enormous amount of data that is currently difficult to use (which means its true potential cannot be adequately valorised). In addition to the above, the PCT has concentrated mainly on court procedures and has not, so far, involved any of the other stakeholders that could benefit considerably from telematic interaction with the world of Law.
Therefore, learning from the results obtained so far, the PSC (Service Platform in the sector of Civil Law) aims at making the role of IT more effective in order to:
- valorise the wealth of information created so far, making it usable to actors in the judiciary system (judges, court registrars, solicitors, etc.), to make court activity more efficient and effective and to external actors (Chambers of Commerce, legal entities, private citizens, etc.). By doing this, these actors can use this information to support them in the decision-making process, to assess specific territorial issues from a social and economic angle, to identify regulations and law solutions, to create new services with added value, to reduce management costs for local and national services;
- create new eGovernment services to support the interaction between the legal system and all the other public and private actors that relate with it, in perfect tune with the aims listed in the Digital Agenda on the development of demand for online services for the public and businesses. An important example is the exchange of reports between Courts and Family Courts and the regional social service offices, with the fundamental aim of stressing the central role of jurisdiction in dealing with affairs regarding minors.