Assunta Marrese
She graduated in Law (University Federico II of Naples, 1995) and pursued the Master’s Degree in Management of the University and Research (School of Management of the Politecnico, 2008). She has held various positions, including President of the Disciplinary Procedures Office since 2017, member of the Working Group of the CHEER II (Consolidating Higher Education Experience of Reform) Project, responsible for the sector of purchases of goods and services and e-procurement. She has attended a number of seminars and training courses on topics relevant to the field of education. She has lectured on various training courses and contributed to publications on university management and public procurement. She has been a speaker at conferences on these topics. She is Director of the Educational Division since 2008.
Ph. +39.02.2399.2200 | E-mail
Mission of the Division
Supporting a quality teaching
The Educational Division supports the Rector and his Delegates, the Deans and the Study Programmes Councils in the design, organization and delivery of a quality teaching (Lauree, Lauree Magistrali and PhD). It manages, in line with the University’s strategies, the admission processes for Lauree, Lauree Magistrali and PhD programmes. It supports, through orientation actions, students in the transition between school and university, as well as in access to Lauree Magistrali and PhD programmes.
It manages the national and international promotion of the first, second and third level training offer. It accompanies the student in his curricular and extra-curricular training, supporting him in the design of his study plan, developing international training opportunities and offering tutoring opportunities. It supports the policies of internationalization of the university through direct international promotion actions and the management of international relations, student/faculty exchange agreements and European and extra-European teaching projects.
Decree of the Division