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University Bodies

Board of Governors

Is the body that operates coeherently with the policy choices and use of resources' criteria established by the Academic Senate. It has regulatory functions, of guidance and control of the administrative, economic and property management of the University.

Composition of the Board of Governors

Prof. Donatella SciutoRector pro-tempore – President
Prof. Riccardo BertaccoMember elected for the teaching staff body (in office for the period 2025-2027)
Prof. Fabio InzoliMember elected for the teaching staff body (in office for the period 2025-2027)
Prof. Tiziana PoliMember elected for the teaching staff body (in office for the period 2025-2027)
Prof. Paolo RoccoMember elected for the teaching staff body (in office for the period 2025-2027)
Dr. Mariano ChernicoffMember elected for the technical-administrative staff body (in office for the period 2025-2027)
Sofia SanninoElected representative of the students body (in office for the period 2023-2025)
Matilde SalanoElected representative of the students body (in office for the period 2023-2025)
Dr. Sandra MoriExternal constituent (in office for the period 2023-2025)
Dr. Matteo TiraboschiExternal constituent (in office for the period 2023-2025)
Eng. Vico ValassiExternal constituent (in office for the period 2023-2025)
Eng. Graziano DragoniGeneral Director as Secretary and without voting right

Attending meetings without voting rights

Prof. Emilio FaroldiDeputy Rector Rector (Prorettore Vicario)
Prof. Isabella NovaExecutive Vice Rector (Prorettore Delegato)
Dr. Raffaele SorrentinoDeputy General Director
Constituents of the Board of Auditors