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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 13-09-2024 to hour 12:00 on 27-09-2024
Enrollment closed
Application completed, activity in evaluation
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tools

(Practical activities|Project laboratory|Exhibitions|Workshop)

Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Design degli interni - Interior design e Interior and Spatial Design
Ore in presenza
The call is addressed to students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Interior Design, Communication, and Product Design. Foreign students may also participate provided they have a good knowledge of spoken and written Italian. Good use of the Adobe software package also required specifically In-Design/Illustrator; Photoshop; Good use of software modeling skills of two-dimensional (communication) and three-dimensional (spaces and products) design solutions; good digital and/or hand modeling skills of two-dimensional (communication) and three-dimensional (spaces and products) design solutions.
N° max studenti
Criteri di selezione
Average exam grade; Students Master's degree preferred
Parole chiave:
Design for Inclusion, Design for kids, Participatory design
Communication and presentation skills, Communication design, Interior design, Product design, Service design, Social

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

The objective of the workshop activity is the definition of proposals to enhance the internal and external spaces of the hub managed by the social promotion association ‘Mama Happy Centro Servizi Famili accoglienti' within the PARIPASSO project, at the Municipality of Bari.

The 'PARIPASSO project, to grow together' financed by Impresa Sociale Con I Bambini is a national project aimed at the 0-6 years age group, with a focus on the first 1,000 days of life, envisaging the creation of territorial pathways, characterised by multidisciplinary interventions capable of accompanying families and children in actions of care, education, and inclusion. The social HUB realised, offers spaces with a high educational density, accessible and connected to a network of integrated services, capable of involving and activating the entire community in a perspective of promoting the culture of children's rights.
The activity envisages the valorisation and promotion of the association's services and spaces and will be developed through integrated projects in the field of space design, communication, and product, developed through preliminary meetings at the Durando Campus in Milan, and on-site workshops in Bari.
Concept work themes to be developed

1 Communicating the service within the urban space/campaign
Designs of spot installation elements to be placed in the city to communicate and promote the activities of the hub. Communication, tactical urbanism, child vision sharing, qualification through the development of playground spaces.

2 Building together a temporary exhibition system
that can host an event for the citizenship and leave some traces in the form of furniture elements that are also temporary but have a longer life span. (see Collettivo Orizzontale) >> exhibition design narrating the outcome of the workshop

>> The outcomes of the works will be displayed at an
exhibition open to the public, set up by the students in the final part of the workshop.Travel, accommodation and food in Bari will be the expense of each student.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal October 2024 a November 2024


[English below]- 9 ottobre: Lancio del Passion in Action ; a seguire formazione gruppi ed assegnazione categoria di progetto; Richiesta casi studio / Online /  15.00-17.00 


- 17 ottobre: Lancio Definizione del Concept di progetto e presentazione casi studio / online o in presenza mattina 9.30-13.00


- 25 ottobre in presenza: Presentazione dei primi concept di progetto supportati da schizzi e casi studio; a seguire predisposizione materiale per workshop 9.30-15.00

- dal 5 al 9 novembre attività di workshop in presenza presso l'Hub di Bari- 9 novembre mattina: inaugurazione mostra elaborati e presentazione pubblica* * *
- 9 October: Launch of Passion in Action; followed by group formation and assignment of project category; Request of case studies / online / 15.00-17.00

- 17 October: Launch Definition of project concept and presentation of case studies / online or in presence morning 9.30-13.00

- 25 October in presence: Presentation of first project concepts supported by sketches and case studies; followed by preparation of material for workshop 9.30 a.m.-3.00 p.m.

- 5 to 9 November in-presence workshop activities at the Hub in Bari

- 9 November morning: inauguration of exhibition and public presentation


Travel, accommodation, and food during the stay in Bari will be the responsibility of each student. An estimate was requested for the costs of the hostel. However, it is not mandatory to choose this solution:

Habari Hostel - We Dorm

- Latin America 1120 euro (8 pax for 4 nights) -> euro 35 per person per night
- Asia 608 euro (4 pax for 4 nights) -> euro 38 per person per night
- Africa 520 euro (3 pax for 4 nights) -> euro 43.5 per person per night