Mission and goals
Cities and the fascinating yet at the same time dramatic phenomena that are affecting them, quality of the environment and sustainability of inhabited areas, degradation of landscapes and, on the other hand, urgency of their care are very topical challenges – in Italy, in Europe and worldwide – which the Urban Planner is called upon to address. This Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme prepares a professional figure able to interpret, evaluate and manage the transformations and involved in urban and land planning projects. Humanistic knowledge is combined with a solid technical-scientific background, in order to develop up-to-date and innovative skills for land planning and for the design and management of urban, land and sector policies. The training programme provides the multidisciplinary knowledge useful for developing the discriminatory skills for defining and developing complex interventions (projects, plans, programmes, policies).
Career opportunities
Career opportunities for graduates in "Urban Planning: Cities, Environment & Landscapes" concern the following fields of activity: analysis of urban, land and environmental structures, with the support of information technologies; contribution to the drafting of land and environmental planning, programming, management and evaluation documents; contribution to the construction of strategies and actions of public administrations, institutions and companies for the transformation, care, recovery and development of cities, the environment and landscapes.