Within the context of the interuniversity framework project “Tecnologie delle Transizioni”, Politecnico di Milano has activated high-level training courses aimed at creating new professional figures in Green Technologies, Smart Infrastructures and Inclusivity Design that:
- have skills in specific areas consistently with the training project (green/smart/inclusivity/creative)
- acquire enabling digital technologies in line with the profile
- master interdisciplinary tools, methods, and aptitude for a systemic vision
- develop talent to operate in interdisciplinary and multisectoral contexts acquired through exposure, even in teams, to case studies and challenges
The new high level training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Green Technologies aim at creating new professional profiles that are characterized by:
- forefront systemic skills, interdisciplinary vision, and specific aptitude to innovation in the fields of environmental sustainability and decarbonisation of the economy
- both advanced, specialized skills in the green sector, and transversal skills, which allow graduates to broaden their knowledge in the field of Green Technologies and to adopt a systemic approach to the design, management, innovation, and study of the life-cycle of green technologies
The new high level training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Smart Infrastructures aim at creating new professional profiles that are characterized by:
- forefront systemic skills, interdisciplinary vision, and specific aptitude to innovation in the fields of the smart infrastructures
- both advanced, specialized skills in relevant applications (infrastructures) and/or enabling technologies (smart), as well as transversal skills, which allow students to broaden their knowledge in the field of Smart Infrastructures and to adopt a systemic approach to design, management, innovation, and study of life-cycle of infrastructures
The new high level training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Inclusivity Design aim at creating new professional profiles that know:
- how to design through digitization contexts, spaces, artefacts, infrastructures and inclusive technologies for the elderly, women, men, children, adolescents and the disabled, enhancing the sense of equity
- how to deal with modifications forced by current events (e.g. climate change, wars), redesigning more inclusive contexts, spaces, artefacts, infrastructures and technologies in order to make our cities capable of responding to geopolitical challenges through the idea of "antifragility", which makes the crisis and uncertainty opportunities for the evolution of a system
The new high level training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Creative Thinking aim at creating new professional profiles that know:
- how to promote the knowledge and skills characteristic of the culture and ways of thinking/acting of design culture, which are increasingly widespread among the various disciplines and application contexts linked to business and innovation
- how to analyze, interpret, and face the new design challenges (e.g. the transition towards digital and sustainability), in order to produce innovation with an interdisciplinary and a strategic and systemic vision (e.g. in the sectors of public institutions and administrations, industry, small and medium enterprises, start-ups, non-profit organisations, etc.)
- how to use Creative Confidence (collective and individual creative problem solving), System Thinking, the ability to understand and interpret current socio-cultural and technological trends, system-product-service design, Service Design, data science, Big and Small Data, designing strategies for digital transition, designing engaging user experiences and innovative interfaces, framing digital manufacturing processes and tools, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
The 2023/2024 project
Starting with the 2023/2024 academic year, the training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Green Technologies and PoliMI Ambassador in Smart Infrastructures, PoliMI Ambassador in Inclusivity Design and PoliMI Ambassador in Creative Thinking will be active as part of the following master's degree courses:
- Architettura - Ambiente Costruito - Interni - Architecture - Built
- Environment - Interiors
- Architettura e Disegno Urbano - Architecture and Urban Design
- Architettura delle Costruzioni
- Building and Architectural Engineering
- Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi
- Ingegneria Edile - Architettura
- Land Landscape Heritage
- Design&Engineering
- Digital and Interaction Design
- Integrated Product Design
- Interior and Spatial Design
- Design for the Fashion System
- Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Food Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
- Mobility Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Management of Built Environment - Gestione del Costruito
- Urban Planning and Policy Design - Pianificazione Urbana e
- Politiche Territoriali
- Design della Comunicazione
- Design&Engineering
- Integrated Product Design
- Product Service System Design
- Design for the Fashion System
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
- Geoinformatics Engineering
- Automation and Control Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Architectural Design and History - Progettazione Architettonica e Storia
- Architettura - Ambiente Costruito - Interni - Architecture - Built
- Environment - Interiors
- Architettura e Disegno Urbano - Architecture and Urban Design
- Ingegneria Edile - Architettura
- Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio
- Urban Planning and Policy Design - Pianificazione Urbana e
- Politiche Territoriali
- Design della Comunicazione
- Product Service System Design
- Interior and Spatial Design
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mobility Engineering
- Urban Planning and Policy Design - Pianificazione Urbana e
- Politiche Territoriali
- Design&Engineering
- Integrated Product Design
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
More detailed information are present in the Educational Rules of each Master Degree Programme.
Technical information on how to apply will soon be available through this website.
The 2022/2023 project
Starting with the 2022-2023 academic year, the training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Green Technologies and PoliMI Ambassador in Smart Infrastructures and PoliMI Ambassador in Inclusivity Design will be active as part of the following master's degree courses:
- Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors
- Architecture and Urban Design
- Architettura delle Costruzioni
- Building and Architectural Engineering
- Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi
- Ingegneria Edile – Architettura
- Land Landscape Heritage
- Design&Engineering
- Digital and Interaction Design
- Integrated Product Design
- Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Food Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
- Mobility Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Management of Built Environment
- Urban Planning and Policy Design
- Design della Comunicazione
- Design&Engineering
- Integrated Product Design
- Product Service System Design
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
- Geoinformatics Engineering
- Automation and Control Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Architecture Design&History
- Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors
- Architecture and Urban Design
- Ingegneria Edile - Architettura
- Sustainable Achitecture and Landscape Design
- Urban Planning and Policy Design
- Design della Comunicazione
- Product Service System Design
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Management EngineeringMechanical Engineering
- Mobility Engineering
More detailed information are present in the Educational Rules of each Master Degree Programme.
Technical information on how to apply will soon be available through this website.
The 2021/2022 project
Starting with the 2021/2022 academic year, the training courses PoliMI Ambassador in Green Technologies and PoliMI Ambassador in Smart Infrastructures have been activated as part of the following master's degree courses:
- Building Engineering - Architecture
- Building and Architectural Engineering
- Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
- Nuclear Engineering
- Management of Built Environment
- Civil Engineering
- Automation and Control Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
Implementation procedure
The training programme is articulated within the MSc educational path and sets at 130 credits (or 310 for the 5-year Master programme in Building Engineering - Architecture) the minimum number of credits needed to complete the selected MSc and, at the same time, to qualify for the certification of Ambassador in Green Technologies/Smart Infrastructures/Inclusivity Design/Creative Thinking.
As part of the educational training, students must acquire at least 30 credits in courses related to the Ambassador in Green Technologies profile or to the Ambassador in Smart Infrastructures or Inclusivity Design or Creative Thinking, related to both vertical topics (formative areas characterising the MS) and transversal topics (training areas different to those characterising the MS).
The Ambassador in Green Technologies/Smart Infrastructures/Inclusivity Design/Creative Thinking. certification will be reported in the Student’s Diploma Supplement and a digital badge will be issued by Politecnico di Milano.
The calls
Call Green Technologies
PDF 199 KB
Call Smart Infrastructures
PDF 197 KB
Call Creative Thinking
PDF 196 KB
Call Inclusivity Design
PDF 197 KB
For any questions please write to:
School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering: https://www.auic.polimi.it/en/service-menu/contact-us-1/send-an-e-mail
Schoo of Design: https://www.design.polimi.it/en/send-an-email
School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering and School of Industrial and Information Engineering: ambassador@polimi.it