The amount of taxes and contributions to be paid varies according to the total ECTS which you acquire as extra-curricular activities and/or single programmes. The costs to enrol in single programmes consist of:
- a fixed fee: € 165.59 (administrative and insurance costs)
- university contributions from a minimum of € 723.00 to a maximum of € 2,153.40
The fee amount to be paid is composed of a first instalment of a fixed amount equal to € 888.59 and a second variable instalment based on the total number of ECTS required, as per the table below:
ECTS (European Credit Trasnfer System) | First instalment | Second instalment | Total |
Up to 32 | € 888.59 | € 0 | € 888.59 |
Over 32 and up to 45 | € 888.59 | € 447.00 | € 1335.59 |
Over 45 and up to 74 | € 888.59 | € 894.00 | € 1782.59 |
Over 74 and up to a maximum of 80 | € 888.59 | € 1430.40 | € 2318.99 |
The above amounts are defined only by the required ECTS and the submission of the DSU (single self-declaration) is not required for the issuance of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator "for university use".
If you are a student who has paid the first instalment of the Undergraduate degree and you enrol:
- for additional requirements following the application for admission to the Master's course in the second semester, you will have to pay a new first instalment and additionally, if you add more than 32 ECTS, you will also have a second instalment as indicated in the table
- for single programmes for your personal training you will have to pay the first instalment; as you cannot gain more than 32 ECTS, you will not have a second instalment
If you decide to enrol in the Master's course in the second semester, you will have to pay both the first instalment in February/March and the second instalment around May/June.
Withdrawal from studies
- Students enrolled in single programmes in the first semester who withdraw from single programmes before 13 November 2023 are entitled to a refund of the first instalment
- Students enrolled in single programmes in the second semester may request a refund of the first instalment by 15 April 2024
Students enrolled on single programmes shall be required to pay the entire fee due if they submit a withdraw request after 13 November 2023 (first semester) or after (second semester).
To withdraw from your studies, go to your Online Services > Career data > Suspension or Withdrawal Requests, follow the process indicated in the appropriate application and complete it with the payment of the stamp duty.
Please note: the application for withdrawing from studies will be managed by the Registrar’s Office, which will carry out the necessary checks for acceptance and definitive registration.
If you need access to other universities you can SELF-CERTIFY that you have submitted your withdrawal application online.
The refund of the first instalment does not include the € 16.00 stamp duty and € 9.59 insurance, and is not payable in the event that registration certificates with stamp duty have been requested and used.