Sailing boats
Sustainable Moth Challenge
Teams are asked to design and build, in the laboratory, efficient and sustainable sailing boats equipped with foils, i.e., appendages that allow the boat to be lifted out of the water, thus minimising friction. In the final phase of the competition, the teams shall compete in a regatta.
The teams, consisting of students from different Universities, work together remotely for eight weeks with the aim of drafting internationalisation projects for the participating businesses, which, at the end of the competition, may decide to implement one or more of them.
Students study and optimise state-of-the-art assistive technologies that help people with disabilities perform certain daily life activities. The Politecnico di Milano team participates in the FES bike (Functional Electrical Stimulation bike) discipline.
IPT - International Physicists' Tournament
University teams from all over the world tackle physics problems on disparate topics and develop solutions using elementary and inexpensive means and instrumentation.
Students from engineering universities around the world design, build and compete with a prototype motorbike. Performance on the track is assessed through various tests by a panel of experts.
Real estate projects
IREC - International Real Estate Challenge
The teams, made up of students from different disciplines, develop real estate projects based on the specific needs of an investor; they are supervised by professors from various universities and they work first remotely, then face-to-face. A panel of experts assesses the projects and the best three are submitted to the investors, who choose the winner.
Each group of competing students uses their software engineering skills to develop an executable software system accompanied by a project document. The jury assesses both the development process and the quality of resulting software.
Single-seater car
Formula student
Each student team designs and builds a prototype Formula-style single-seater car, studying the vehicle design and developing a business model and cost analysis.
Financial analysis
CFA Institute Research Challenge
Teams from universities around the world are tasked with the professional financial analysis of a listed company, under the guidance of an experienced professional in the role of their mentor.
Experimental probe rockets
Students design and launch experimental probe rockets. The score is awarded based not only on flight performance but also on the quality of the technical report and design.
Environmentally sustainable boat
Monaco Energy Boat Challenge
In this international competition has three categories, Energy, Solar and Open Sea, and requires participating teams to design innovative and environmentally sustainable solutions for high-performance boats.
Algorithmic problems
Southwestern Europe Regional Contest
Each team, consisting of three students, is confronted with various algorithmic problems to be solved in a limited time.
Energy-efficient vehicles
Shell Eco-Marathon
Students from high schools and universities around the world design and build energy-efficient vehicles, which they then race on the track.
Data Science
ACR RecSys Challenge
Students apply various data science techniques, such as machine learning, data mining, game theory and soft computing, to find solutions to real problems in recommender systems.